The street where we are staying is a "hard surface" street, not unlike many here in Tamarindo.
The surface of the road is in-between dirt and paved. It is a dirt road that has been covered with a mixture of a petroleum product and sugar cane syrup.
This mixture makes the road sticky, shiny, and sweet smelling.
When it has been freshly applied, or even when it gets hot in the sun, it sticks to the bottom of your shoes so you always want to leave your sandals and flip flops outside your door.
Most of the main streets in town are black topped--
although some are just half-and-half.
If you go out our front gate, cross the street, and go up the hill, that is where Gus and Carol are going to be staying when they come in February.
If you look up our street (away from the beach) you can see on the left by the red sign, the Fitness Center in the two story building.
There is a very nice little day care center there as well.
The complex where we are staying is next door to a bank and Hertz car rental company.
As you can see, the banks here do not mess around with security.
If you walk down our street to the beach, you will pass a number of banana trees.
You will almost always pass a "free range" chicken or two.
And sometimes a vulture,
and now and then horses.
You quickly come to a lot of restaurants, bars, and businesses.
That large white building is pretty much right on the beach so it is only a five or ten minute walk from our place to the beach.
There is a little ice cream shop on the left that has a cart they use to go around town selling ice cream products.
On Friday's there is a local guy selling fruit on the corner.
And, our favorite pizza restaurant is on this corner (If you can't see it, it is the brown roof at the back of the coca cola truck behind all of the signs. We told the owners wife they should get rid of those signs. She just rolled her eyes and walked away. I guess they already tried that.) One of the grocery stores is at this corner also--right in front of the blue truck.
Although we weren't exactly sure where our condo was located until we got here, it has turned out to be in a wonderful location.